Already we have reached Day 4.Time goes by really fast when you enjoy things,I guess that's what happening in this case as well.Don't miss another 3 things on my list I am really grateful for. I dare you to do the same and start now.
Mention 3 things you are thankful for.
Either in a new post or as an add-on to a post. 1 post for every single day (7 days in total)
Nominate a friend everytime with each post.
#1 I am really thankful for being healthy.
#2 I am extremely thanful for my numerous summer memories.So many sunny days,playing with my old friends.I will never forget those days.
#3 I am really thankful for my Mac.I always wanted to own one and I am glad that I have one for the last couple of years.
My nomination for today will be @zen-art

I love being grateful for things it reminds you daily of all the good things in your life. what a good challenge, I may have to get in on it, my problem is posting daily, life keeps getting in the way.
I think you should try it. Trust me it doesn't take so much time and you really enjoy the things that add value to your life!