The story chosen sounds familiar to me. My dad who left said the same words, I begged him to take me with him... in reality he already started a new life with a 19 year younger girl and he did not like anyone to know he left a wife and 4 kids
Posted using Partiko Android
My goodness! What a sad story, @wakeupkitty. I am very sorry that happened to you. I hope very much that you have found a way to heal from that experience and build your life around people who love, respect and honor you.
Posted using Partiko iOS
It took long to find out what a jerk my dad was. I build my life around my kids and now it is time to build it around me since I am running out of time and I never had me time.
Posted using Partiko Android
I am very glad to hear that you are taking care of you!
Posted using Partiko iOS