CodeMash 2018 (Part 2 - The Ride and Settling In + A Dad Joke)

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

Not going to do much writing today (8 of 30 day challenge). My wife recorded a couple quick videos while we were driving to CodeMash. Did get a chance to catch up with a buddy of mine who is one of the members of the CodeMash team and who is also a Crypto fan. We actually have Substratum (@substratum) here as a sponsor this year. I'm going to find out a bunch about them at their booth tomorrow, and maybe I can do a special post about what they are trying to do in the crypto realm.

Extra: Dad Joke

Early Registration


Getting the Main Ballroom Setup


The Buffets


CodeMash Thinks About Everyone


Potpourri of Potential Future Posts for #challenge30days

  • The Phoenix Protocol - I might do some more brainstorming on this.
  • Tribute to my Uncle Raymond (98 years old and we just went to his funeral Jan 2nd)
  • The addictive dice game my wife and I play at the kitchen table now that our kids are growing up and doing their own things.
  • SFEOS - Developing a Crowd Founding Platform and Network of Gamers from the Ground Up.
  • EOS Development (Learning on the Test Network - both local and public test net)
  • Codemash 2018 (A yearly developer conference I attend in Sandusky Ohio) - Probably multiple posts on this. My family has been attending with me the last few years. They have fun doing the water park while I geek out with my peeps.
  • My life as a traveling gospel teacher.
  • My Personal Fight for Economic Freedom for Everyone through Crypto
  • My struggles to stick with things over the years on a consistent basis… This one is going to hurt a bit and not sure how much I'll share.
  • Adventures in Sailing (well learning to sail)
  • Adventures in Weight Loss (More details on how the winter season is affecting my weight loss)
  • Anything else I can think up...