(Camp Life Pictures. Here are a few of the teachers at my camp!)
Hello everyone! Getting a slow start to my steem day as this thing called work keeps getting in the way, but I am on lunch now and have a few minutes. While working here at camp, the new counselors get a training in something called CPI or Crisis prevention institute. It is all about how to deescalate situations in times of high stress. I have been through this training with different trainers 4 separate times and each time I remember why it is so important for m y industry. I say all this because I was thinking if I had learned enough of this class to teach it yet and I realized that no, I still do not have the chops to do that. It reminded me of a situation I handled badly in April that could have gone a lot better. There were 7 middle school girls that were crying and I forgot to take away the audience...I only realized this after going through the CPI class once again. This takes me to life hack #1
Life hack 1: Do not claim to be an expert at something until you can teach it to someone else. A lot of steemians are guilty of this. If you are going to give advice on here, either be the teacher, or give evidence that what you said comes from someone who really knows what they are talking about. @karamyog is great at this. She gives you some advice and then gives you more evidence or reading to follow it up. Be like @karamyog.
I am still behind on catch-up so without further ado
Life hack 2: Cold brew coffee is life. Make a giant pot Sunday and it can last you throughout the week. My mother makes it at 2x strength and then every day pours half a cup and then adds boiling water to get it to regular strength. The advantages are twofold: it takes less time each morning to make your coffee, and cold brewing gives the coffee a less acidic product. Speaking of being experts, my mother is a coffee expert. Just saying.
image courtesy of: http://tasty-yummies.com/how-to-make-cold-brew-coffee/