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RE: How Many Posts Per Day Do I Write?

Thanks for the shoutout. You're the second one to do that today on this post topic. I didn't realize I was the posting poster child. :)

You're good to recognize that I have the free time you lack, and that to compare what I may get done to what you can in the time you have is not fair to you.

That's probably the biggest issue most people face on here: the time they actually have to dedicate building something.

And it sounds like you're only going to get busier for a while with the finals you have coming up, and then you're going to be traveling and doing other things. So, Steemit time will be limited.

I figure as long as I do something productive with the time I have to give it, then what I did is the best I can do. Or, if I feel like I could do more, I figure out the way to make it happen. No use feeling bad over things I can't control, and no need for regrets over things I could, as long as they're corrected or improved upon.

I wish you luck with all your finals and upcoming travels. I hope you get the grades you want.


You're very much welcome. Anywhere I go, I try to find people to look up to. It's what drives me forward. Here, there's just the added benefit that even though your account is still small, I can already see it growing big, considering the growth you've achieved.

I agree that it's best if have the generally positive look at things. I don't consider any of my time spent writing here as wasted.

I really am looking forward to finishing this semester. And even though I will try to keep my time spent here at a minimum, I don't think I will manage to reduce it completely. As I've said, I'm planning on doing more photography, so when I'm not writing, I will at least try to post pictures. I've already got some great ideas.