SUGAR PT 3 - The effects of sugar on the Brain #challenge30days (14/30) - blogging/meditation

in #challenge30days7 years ago

When thinking about the unhealthy effects of sugar, we often think about the physical issues it causes. Things like diabetes, obesity or fatty liver disease might come to mind...


Excessive sugar consumption does also takes a massive toll on the brain and mind:

1. It is messing with the reward system

In order to keep us alive during ancient times, nature has equipped our brain with a reward system. This reward system is programmed to make us WANT to pursue certain things and rewards us with a instant "good feeling" once we reach them. Those things are generally linked to the primitive purpose of survival and procreation.

For example, we need energy to survive. And most direct form of energy we can consume is?
Yes, SUGAR! So by eating sugar, the mind wants to tell us that this IS a great source of energy, and thus releases dopamine and serotonin, which are the reward systems "feel good" neurotransmitters.

This might have been a good thing in times where those sugary foods weren't as highly available as today. But because we can constantly go for another dose of sugar without really having to do anything in return, our reward system will constantly be triggered. This will result in the dopamine receptors building back, since they are figuratively bombarded. This has the consequence that the motivation for other things declines, since they do not produce enough dopamine to satisfy our damaged receptors.

2. Mood swings

Due to the blood sugar spikes, and the massive insulin releases following those, the body is in a constant change. First there is too much energy, and the body doesn't know what to do with it, and then there is not enough. This is known as the sugar crash. Once the crash arises, it is likely to feel moody or even anxious.

3. Damages cognitive functions and promotes dementia

Due to insulin resistance induced by high sugar diet, blood sugar levels are constantly higher as they should be. Recent studies have shown that this has a major effect on cognitive functions and is said to be a big factor in diseases like Alzheimer's disease as well. Some of the researchers even began to label Alzheimers disease as type 3 diabetes.

Join me...

... on the sugar free diet, where I will go without ANY sugar for 30 days. This includes added sugar, commonly found in processed food, and also concentrated natural sugars like honey or maple syrup. The only exception is whole fruit and berries (in moderation).

Currently on day (9)

Also in on the challenge, as stated in the comments of my last post:

This is part (14) of the 30 days writing challenge by @dragosroua. I combined this with a mindfulness challenge. My goal with this is to improve writing & english skills as well as becoming more self aware.


I don't believe in cutting anything out completely. moderation is key :)

Yeah, i agree with that. But i am can't controll myself when it comes to sweets, so i rather cut them out entirely ;D

hahaha nice one :)