Challenge Come Lindo! Ready, Set, Walk!!!

Week 1.PNG

Hello everyone, last week I talked to you about the benefits of running and how I promised you, today I bring you the first tip of How to start running ?. What better way to learn than with the FIRST # COMELINDOCHALLENGE, which consists of 10 WEEKS, where not only will we increase our cardio-respiratory resistance but we will also acquire the habit of running.

Today we will begin with Week 1, which consists of:

*10 minutes of stretching: relax your muscles and prepare them for activity, avoid muscle tears or cramps. Start from the head making circular movements in both directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), then low to the shoulders moving them back and forth, then the arms stretching upwards as if you want to touch the sky, then the legs (the protagonists), make a pair of squats, then you grab your ankle and take it to the gluteus (right ankle right gluteus, knees stuck) with both legs, then you raise the knee and take it to the chest (first one leg and then another). You can also search on YouTube for several videos on how to warm up before running.

*Now to WALK:
Walk 4 minutes quickly.
Walk 1 normal minute.
Do 4 reps for a total of 25 minutes of training,

*Then he returns to perform the stretch, this is MUCH more important than the pre-running stretch, and must be done in the first 15 minutes after running, to avoid injuries, muscle tears, cramps and decreases the tension in the muscles,

*Remember to hydrate before and after jogging to recover water lost through sweat.

Able you are wondering, Why if we are talking about running, I have to walk a week ?, and I answer them with "Before running you have to learn to walk", the purpose of this challenge is to increase your resistance and that can only be achieved if we increase the intensity gradually, we also avoid injuries that are important, as the weeks go by we will increase the speed until we reach 20 min running.

I hope you liked IT and will be very helpful, comment if you want a video of how I prepare before starting #COMELINDOCHALLENGE.

Remember to follow me on IG: @come.lindo

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Photographer @gracielasosa15.