Challenge App is a blockchain based gaming app built on dual blockchains the eos blockchain and steem blockchain making use of two chains unlike anything other challenge games elsewhere seen before it allows users to earn rewards instantly and for free by downloading the application and completing challenges and challenging others. It's has its native token known CHL
You can downloaded android version of app on your phone and it will be installed within a minute because app size is 17mb and doesn't occupy much space on device memory.
Entire process was super easy and smooth. It took less than 5 minutes to install and set up the application, account creation requires a phone number for OTP verification and to reduce spam accounts .
Choose an account name (Account name should start with a letter, be exactly 12 characters long (kaycee4fresh is my account name there) and only include characters a-z with any random number from 1-5.)
Set your password with exactly 6 numbers.
Input your phone number with your country code.
Enter verification code from the OTP received by sms on your phone.
Login with your password.
After downloading and setting up one's account , a player can create a task with their rewards or funded token to set up challenges and send their friends and family, like eating on a particular time, getting to work on time or going to the gym.
You can download ChallengeDac on playstore with this link
To get more information about Challenge Dac I have provided know social media handles of ChallengeDac along with official website etc. You can Connect with them to have all the updates about this project movement.
ChallengeDac Official-
ChallengeDac YouTube:
Twitter: @ChallengeDac
Reddit :
Thanks to @citimillz for sharing details about this contest.
Thanks also for stopping by to read my blog.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
thanks for Supporting ChallengeOS! 2000 CHLP sent to your steem-engine wallet.

Thanks boss for the tips