Hi guys I'm friends with @citimillz and @chaceeskam on challengedac.
You can forward me your username on my comments section area so we can find each other and assign fun and task.
My username is sheriffakin1 on challengedac, download yours and share me yours.
Download The Challenge App for your mobile Here=)
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Website: https://www.challengedapp.io
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Twitter: @ChallengeDac
Thank you for sharing! I accepted your friend's reqest! Also, we sent 5,000 CHL tokens to your sheriffakin1 account! Hope to see you make some cool challenge using the APP! Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you, yeah seen it.
I appreciate it...I will do my very best.
Thanks so much for Supporting @challengedac App! 100% Upvote given.