How to overcome challenges?

in #challenges5 years ago (edited)

How to overcome challenges?


If there's one thing that constant in life that is challenges or hardships or suffering. It comes in all sizes and forms. Everyone has to go through them, well you pretty much have no choice there.

Here are some steps that I think can help when you're facing one right now.

1. Accept the problem.

Don't pretend that everything is good and fair. Don't just ignore the issue. Accept that you are dealing with a challenge. Get to know 'em. Treat it like some enemy and you are at war. You don't win by just hiding. Study the enemy, what is it? What caused the problem? What may happen if you don't act? What's the worst case scenario? What's the best case scenario?

2. Recognize who you are.

After step you have a pretty good grasp of the problem and right now it is time to look at yourself. Who are you? What are your skills and talents? What can you bring in this war that can defeat your enemy? And remember people are not set pieces on a chess board. You can evolve, you can change and learn new skills. Who said you are just a pawn can only move one space at a time? Train yourself and be a freaking knight and hop over the other piece on the board.

3. Take it one step at a time.


You're not a wizard. Problems won't go away with a simple "Expecto Patronum" shout and a wave of a wand. Tackle the problem one step a time, like a ladder. If the elephant is too big then just eat a small portion at a time. Be slow, sure, and deliberate. And if you need check your progress and make some adjustment. Then go at it slowly again.

4. Count small victories.

You're not gonna win a war immediately. But you can win a battle here and there. It can be exhausting so congratulate yourself for some small victories. It is inspiring and gives you that boost of energy you need to slog through the challenge.

5. Ask for help.

Everyone needs some allies. Don't be too stubborn and ask someone to help you out. Some may ignore but I believe that there are people out there who are willing to help. So give them a chance to do some good work.


Problems? They come in and go. You can't escape it. It is part of living a life. Tackle the problem head on and always remember they are there to provide you an opportunity to enjoy a hard earned success.