I can't believe that it was a year ago already. Drastic situations change people drastically. I may not have gone through a +5 hurricane, but I am living in a civil war zone, and I can tell you from first-hand experience it definitely changes you. It seems that the worst of humanity crawls out of the cesspools of society. You do come across some courageous acts of bravery but they are overshadowed by the need to survive. Kudos to you for recognizing a part of you that you didn't like because it means that you can change. I also am aware of changes in my attitude and I work very hard not to let it come to the forfront.
If think honestly your civil war will bring up the same behavior in people as the aftermath of a hurricane. Survival beyond all.
And yes, I also experienced fantastic stuff and people stepping up, working together and helping each other but indeed it is overshadowed by the nastyness of what you also see.
Its not bad to have some reflection on ourselves to see what we really are doing and contributing