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RE: Are You Doing What Everyone Else is Doing?

in #change8 years ago

Today is everyone is SO plugged into the system of dependency. They listen to what is fed them by the programmed dinosaur media, facebook or their select group of friends. The people become sheeple when they are programmed by the media and all of its counterparts. Yes folks are outcasts when they think for themselves outside the box and decide to take a different route. We are not encouraged to think for ourselves. We are expected to blindly believe what is fed us. Are grandparents and great grandparents were not that way. They were self-reliant self-made folks who could think on their own and were not dumbed down by media, fluoride in the water or hooked on useless pharma drugs. They also were not apathetic to worthy causes. They had the grit and balls to take a stand for truth, God and all that is good. They knew that one must earn his way rather than be given handouts to create dependency. It is hard to get off the heroine drug of dependency but we must do it if we are going to reach our full potential as a people rather than continue to be blind sheeple ready to me the next meal of our enemies. WAKE UP! STAND UP! WIPE OFF ALL OF APATHY AND DEPENDENCY AND REACH YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL! I KNOW YOU CAN! That was a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. - Troy


Wow great comment. I can agree with all you're saying.

Thank you.