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RE: Irma, one year later

in #change6 years ago

The only way I can relate to your experience is that of time I served as a infantry commander. The devastation of any warzone, and the direct survival mode of "normal" everyday people is so familiar to the impact of this natural disaster.

For sure these experiences grow us and there is no undoing the insights we gain. However my hope is for the others, the mixed feelings I have for those who are left behind. Who are not able to relocate and face a intense life of struggle ahead.

Your post touched me too, has me thinking of all those faces. Wondering if they managed and were able to stay strong enough to find their way and happiness again. Phew. Deep feels.

Thanks for sharing this Karin, you know one thing you can always feel good about is that you helped fix people up and gave them hope to healing and at least a tomorrow.

Medics and care givers are true angels on the earth. Bless you.


Thx so much KS for these kind words. Infantery, that is also a whole other story. I read a book a while back from a scrub nurse (as what I also am) who was working in an active warzone and eding up with an PTSD on that. I think many of the experiences from warzone woud be extremely similar as to what we all went through.

Indeed I also think al lot about the people who are still there and if they are happy with the current situation. But the cool thing is what I also experienced, people have so much love for the island that they are working so hard to get everything back on track. They want to see SXm thrive again and that is super cool to see.

Human resilience is a wonderful characteristic of our kind eh.. now if only we would all get the message about taking care of our home. To appreciate and love our environment for the good of the whole. To help and share with each other, yes you're right a lot of good comes from the struggles and for that I am ever thankful in my life.. for my life even more so.

Thanks again for my wonderful gift from you this week, I'm still rolling around in joy with all the love, opportunity and excitement there. Will be posting intro soon as I come down lol 😂