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RE: Illusion of Change or Real Change?

in #change8 years ago

I should have given more details to my thought. The election process is 3/4 complete, to make it simple.

The first 1/4 was to convince enough people that they were a legitimate candidate and that they could in fact best represent the people or the party.

The second 1/4 was to go through and convince the party that they would be whatever and do whatever and be the best leader and gain their support. The primary usually happen during this time.

The 3/4 is to get the full support of the party. Win the convention votes and whatever else. Once that has been secured it turns into the two party system. At this point all of third party candidates start popping up. Most of them are there simply to take votes away from one party or the other.

The final 1/4 is to win the electoral college. So unless those casting their vote in the electoral college put no confidence the whole thing means nothing. The electoral college is why the 2000 election was a big deal. Yes, Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral college.


I am not debating the election process, you miss the entire point of the meme. The write-in vote of 'No Confidence' is simply a show of rejection. If you study history you will find a consensus as far back as Plato, that simple rejection is enough to bring about the downfall of any government once enough join in the rejection. How the voting system works has nothing to do with what I am suggesting and would not affect the ultimate outcome. The easiest way to defeat any political entity is with simple rejection. A government cannot continue without support, eventually it will fall. So, we are left with an armed rebellion, I'm certainly not suggesting that as it would turn out rather messy or to continue doing the same thing by voting for those presented (financed) to us expecting different results or to think logically and do what is proven effective, to reject them to hasten their demise.

Now please no more lectures on how the political system works, I'm very old and learned in these things and have researched this far outside the political box from which you speak... I don't mean to be offensive, but I'm not here to debate, I'm only here to make people think and hopefully start doing some real research. I am but a single activist and don't have the time to teach 1000's of individuals one on one... :/

I'm not debating or lecturing anything and I apologize if you took it that way. I agree with your point and your meme. I simply think that your timing in the process is wrong.