Developing a Vision.

in #change7 years ago

Image result for dreams and vision

It is human nature to have dreams. As children, we often dream of becoming princesses or some type of superhero. As we get older we often dream of changing the world. Things like curing sickness, ending world poverty and living in harmony are a few things that come to mind. But what can we actually do to make these dreams come true?

There is no point playing the blame game. It is not the responsibility of one but us all. There is still time for change to happen. Alone we struggle to make these changes but together we can overcome any obstacles. This platform has so much potential for changes like this to happen. For anyone reading this post I ask two questions:

What are you passionate about changing?
How can we get there?

I would like to know what ideas you beautiful people have for the world. Please leave your dreams in the comment section below, however trivial you may think your idea is. Let's discuss how we will make these changes and what we can offer. Together we can achieve anything!


Dream = Vision

And by making strategies and splitting them into plans and goals we can make our dreams come true

But needless to say our dreams must be materialistic and not fantasy like becoming a super hero with super natural power shooting fire from our hands or eyes or flying in sky with our body etc etc.. but realistic dreams like building a house or gaining wealth are possible to achieve

Interesting! So what's your dream/vision?

not much.. I just want to become Steemit Whale 😉

Eradicating oppression, neo colonialism and allowing every nation, individual great or small the freedom to detect their lives

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

If you had to select only one change from your list, which one would you select?

I would change the oppression of the educational system to what would, freedom of what and how to study.

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Hi jeff-dawn

Your comment is very interesting. To a degree, we often have a choice of what and how we study but you are absolutely right when you say there is a lot of control in this.

What are your ideas to resolve this issue?

@joepublic thank you for replying to my post.

I like many people want to see a happy world. A world where we don't worry about what our children or grandchildren will have to go through. A world where people are not oppressed, suppressed or depressed.
A world where we are free to make choices without the fear of judgment. A world where no one is without food and shelter.
Just the basic human rights @joe.public, just the basic human rights.

How do you intend on making your vision a reality?

I agree, NVC is a great tool for creating a peaceful world.