Hi all, I'm Steemrolled, but you can just call me Steemrolled. As the title says, the revolution has indeed arrived, starting with some much needed constructive criticism. In this post, I will not be telling you about the benefits of Steem or powering up. I will not be explaining to you how vital your password and system security is. I will not be providing you with tips on how to create a great headline or thumbnail.
These posts are a dime a dozen.
I am here to challenge you to question the legitimacy and integrity of not only your own, but your peers posts going forward. I am seeing way too much shit posting and Steemians are changing their opinions on the drop of a dime (no pun intended). It's repulsive.
No longer will we bow before whale overlords in the interest of profitability. While I'm here, I will help to cultivate a community of honest, open, forward thinkers. I will be spending my time on Steem dedicated to ensuring people are able to transparently express themselves. We will wake up from this nightmare.
I have a dream. A dream that I hope will one day will plant its roots into the very foundation of the Steem community. A dream where Steemians are free to express themselves without fear of tarnishing their reputations. I have a dream where my fellow Steemians will one day not be judged not by the weight of their wallets, but by the content of their posts. Yes, I have a dream, but I can't achieve this dream alone.
That's right, I NEED YOUR HELP. Again, I challenge each and every one of you to question everything. It is not only up to the developers to operate with integrity, it is up to all of us. Please remember that when disagreeing with somebody, we should never make it personal. This is crucial if we want to nurture an environment where constructive criticism is encouraged. We should never be disagreeing with somebody because there may be something wrong with them or we just don't like them. We should only be in disagreement with others based on facts, intuition, experience and prior successes or failures.
Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read. If you think I missed anything important, please let me know.
I enjoyed your post dude - Especially the Cat .gif OMG!!!
Glad to see you keeping it real here - I plan on doing the same and helping make Steemit awesome 1 Post and 1 Comment at a time!!!
Have a great day!!