ChangeNow – No 1 Cryptocurrency exchange

in #changenow6 years ago


ChаngеNOW iѕ a fаѕt аnd еаѕу еxсhаngе ѕеrviсе that рrоvidеѕ basic digital currency ѕwарѕ withоut the аnnоуing nееd tо join fоr anything. Mоrеоvеr, wе ѕuрроrt the grеаtеѕt numbеr of соinѕ аmоng аnу оthеr еxсhаngе ѕеrviсе.
Our tеаm is соnѕtаntlу еnhаnсing and imрrоving оur ѕеrviсе by аdding state оf the craftsmanship nеw fеаturеѕ. What's more, nоw we're tаking аnоthеr energizing advance tо improve thе uѕеr еxреriеnсе еvеn! We аrе lаunсhing NOW token.
ChangeNow is a stage that enables clients to trade digital currencies. There is no join procedure. Each exchange sent off easily and each time the assessed sum is precisely what you get.

ChangeNOW will offer the biggest number of bolstered monetary standards however it isn't unjustifiable to think about whether they are experiencing difficulty conveying everything that weight. 200 cryptographic forms of money will be formally bolstered.
ChangeNOW made their coin NOW to expand its esteem. To put it plainly, it opened a universe of elective digital forms of money in light of the fact that not at all like customary trades it is quick, simple, modest and mysterious, every one of the things crypto ought to be.

ChangeNOW Token (NOW)

In the second quarter of 2018 They will issue their token, called the ChangeNOW Token . A strict point of confinement of 200MM NOW will be made with no probability to build the cutoff. Presently will be propelled on the Ethereum blockchain utilizing ERC20 standard.

Type: ERC20 Token
Ticker: NOW
Full name: ChangeNOW Token
Decimals: 8
Total supply: 200 000 000 NOW

ChangeNow consider moving ChangeNOW Token to EOS organize after the dispatch of its mainnet giving 1:1 proportion to ERC20 token holders. ChangeNOW will give a swap system to trade ERC20 tokens to EOS-based tokens.

Token issuing

A shrewd contract dependent on the Ethereum system will be composed and sent for the usage of the NOW Token. ChangeNOW group will distribute the savvy contract source code straightforwardly in our github account

The contract will control the following functionality:

  1. NOW tokens issuance
  2. NOW tokens transmittance
  3. NOW tokens vesting rules

ChangeNow advantages


When utilizing a custodial trade, your assets exist on a virtual record claimed by the trade. Given the trade really has the stores to back their expressed volumes (not ensured), the assets will typically be put away in non-isolated hot wallets having a place with that trade. Basically, an outsider substance holds your coins. What occurs if a trade all of a sudden leaves business because of a hack, bungle or some other reason? That's right, you presumably lose your coins. This as of now happened ordinarily previously (Mt. Gox, BTCe… ) and will happen once more. With ChangeNOW trades, you hold your very own coins in your very own wallets. The main time the trade holds your coins is amid a short exchange window (For us at ChangeNow it takes close to a five minutes). Your coins spend whatever is left of the exchanges on their separate blockchains before they arrive securely in your private wallet.


By holding complete command over your wallets, you are exclusively in charge of anchoring your assets. In the event that you are an accomplished crypto client, this could be something to be thankful for. Huge trades are regularly under assault, and are at times effectively hacked. As a little and savvy target, you are probably not going to be singled out, and on the off chance that you play it safe, probably not going to be hacked.
ChangeNOW has an exceptionally straightforward UI, making it simple for novices to effectively put resources into digital currency.

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Bitcointalk Username: Vukopol
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2258579;sa=summary