A Message of Encouragement

I am here with you. I am always available. Especially to the wondrous healers of the Earth. I come to you all with pure intentions. I come to you all at this time to guide you into the light. I have tried this before and the message has been misconstrued. Be here now. In the moment. You will find me. We can work together to lighten your Earthly load. We can work together to help you enjoy this life’s wonderful physical experiences. We can work together to overpower the darkness, the darkness that is rooted in your cultures. The darkness that has been leading your kind for centuries. The darkness that inhibits you from accessing the Earth’s pleasures and powers. Without darkness, there is no light. But we can choose collectively to allow the light to resonate more powerfully than the dark; allow the darkness to be our guide into the light. Allow the darkness to recede out of our days. Darkness promises power and success. Darkness hides in our own weaknesses. Darkness exploits our internal fears. Shed your fears; step away from your weaknesses by bringing them into the light; darkness will no longer have a way to connect with you or manipulate your actions. Change your thoughts. Change your actions. Seek to connect with higher vibrations and positive intentions everywhere and in every way. Allow positivity and light to infiltrate your being; your actions; your relationships. As you seek these shifts and changes, then and only then will you find the guarantees that the light can offer to you. They are different for every being. Once you experience the first benefit, I know you will understand and will actively choose the path of light. It is not a difficult task. Just takes intention and purpose. As promised, I will be available to help. The Archangels will be available to help. Mother Earth is available to help. All of her native beings are available to help. We are all ready and willing to help you seek the light. When you are ready, we will guide you home.