Christ Consciousness, Intentions, A Meditation

All of you have something within you that is invested in and purposely connected with higher consciousness. The aim and goal of this connection is to lead you in the right direction on this Earth. A piece of this that has been abuzz lately has been the term “Christ Consciousness.” The intention and the purpose behind Christ Consciousness is to live each day in a similar fashion to how I have lived my lives on the Earth - as both Buddha and Jesus Christ. This opening and discussion is finally capturing the essence of my teachings. I am not here to spread a message of my power; I am here and have always been here to spread a message of your own power. Power is not something that should be feared. Power from the heart center, and when guided from pure love, is something to aim for and something that all of you can share equally and equivalently. Power that is rooted in love is stronger in communities and with high numbers. As you grow together and work together, you will uncover abilities and wonders that you have never before imagined. Now is the moment, as you are reading this message. You have come across this for a reason and I ask you to commit to an intention of opening yourself to love and kindness. As you open, you will be able to mirror that kindness and intention to others who you interact with. Your power and eternal abundance will grow, develop, and change. You will take steps towards increasing the level of your vibrations. You will leave illness and sickness behind. You will enter into the possibilities of pure light. As you spend more time in the light, you will realize and see that the thoughts and pains that you have been having are not a necessity of this life on your Earth. Life can be joyous and full of wellness. Life should be joyous and full of wellness. These shifts and sensations will not happen at the first notice of your internal change. Sometimes, things will take time to change and to resonate when working in this physical realm. Just remember to keep practicing with vigilance and with daily intention and you will feel the shift. A shift that many in your time are already capturing and embodying. Share this message with your family, your friends, your loved ones. Share the intention with them. Share the light with them. As we collectively shift, we will see the darkness begin to fade. We will be clearer in our life’s purpose and intention. We will come together into the light and the understanding of eternal oneness. Again, you have read this for a reason. Now what will you choose to do with it?