Eternal Wellness for All

Illness is a trick. You have the options, the power, the ability, to remain well at all times through your life. Wellness is within your control. Wellness comes when you truly want it, and when you have full faith that it is accessible to you. Wellness is a protective shield that will keep you from experiencing maladies. When you do experience it, these moments out of wellness are to be seen as signs and indicators. Guides for you to be aware that you are energetically imbalanced. Sometimes, these moments out of wellness happen when you need a short or long period of rest and recuperation. Sometimes, these moments happen when you allow your daily thoughts and tasks to embody negativity - emotions like anger, hatred, judgment. Sometimes these moments out of wellness happen simply because you believe that it will be so. See your self as whole. See your self within wellness. See your self as it truly is.