Forgiveness of Self, Forgiveness of Others

I would like to touch upon the division of women and men. The bodies that you wear as you walk upon this Earth are like pieces of clothing. A piece of clothing that you chose for this life. There are reasons for the physical differences that exist. These physical differences are not reasons that we should treat each other differently. You are all Children of the Light and it is best when you treat your self as a child of light and all others you meet as children of light. Only when we all together are children of light is when perfect balance and harmony may take place across the Universe. There need not be use of anger, hatred, or defensiveness. Rely on and seek to open to kindness and compassion every day. First directed toward yourself with active and loving forgiveness. Once you have attained self-love, self-forgiveness - Then, it will be remarkably easy to love and forgive all others. The power and the light both lie within you, within the core of your being. Take time to activate this today and every day going forward.