Seeking Healing Miracles

A few words on healing. Every one of you can connect into the Universal energies that will bring light and healing into your life. Healing is wondrous, healing is miraculous, healing of the self and others is a gift that is now being given to all who seek it. What healing is not, it is not a magical cure at the snap of a finger. It is listening, it is learning, it is choosing to embrace change every single day. Your digital environments and your physicians have you in a place and in a mindset where results are expected quickly and miraculously. Healing does happen quickly and miraculously, and changing of the self is what takes time, effort, and a sense of purpose or direction. You and your self are the only things you have control over in this life. Once you take that knowledge inside of you, you will be able to make progress and change within your self. You will be able to cure your self, to heal your self, to love your self, be kind to your self. And that is when you will finally see the miracles begin to happen.