FETCH is an acronym for FEed That CHild, an initiative that has been set up by @alisonudeme and her crew to give to those in need. This is the first edition with many others to follow in time. #FETCH team, God bless you for being selfless and thinking about others.
At the end of the visit, I realised that wasn't just for them but for me. Sometimes I take certain things for granted, getting worried about frivolous things when there are people out there who are just thankful they have a place to stay. If you have the love of your family and friends, you should be very grateful; having it in mind that there are kids out there with nobody except the new family they have to live with.
I want to use this medium to say a big thank you to @nairadaddy @ejemai for not just supporting this initiative but coming from different destinations to be part of it. @elizabethscarlet @datibomchic @evelyniroh @enoye @samstickkz. Thank You for your support. You are wonderful.
To everyone seeing this, I hope this gives you a push to help the needy around you. Let's remind them that they are part of the society, they are loved and that they can be anyone they want to be.
Have a Blessed Week
Saturday morning left me emotionally wrecked. I was opportuned to be part of the team that accompanied @alisonudeme @bundis10 and @giftessience to a government facility for motherless babies. I could not hold back the tears when I saw the condition of these kids and the place they were residing.
You're doing well dear... Keep on!
Thanks deary
Great work guys. God bless you guys.
God bless you too deary
Wow.. This is inspiring.. Am glad you also considered the indigent children.. Kudos
Thank @alisonudeme for coming up with the idea
That's one of the reason I always love this family..... Even in times like this..... When the price of coin has dropped....... They still had to give..... Your blessings are coming in for sure.....
Let's emulate from this steemians...... Thank for inspiring me....
Thank you dear.