When my internet gets turned back on, one of the series I am going to do is "What's For Dinner?"
Currently I am still waiting for my internet to be turned on at our new house. If I knew the wait that was going to be involved in getting it connected, I would have started the process months ago for the internet. But it is what it is and I have to deal with a limited connection for now. Next month my son graduates and I will now longer have the monthly payments for his online curriculum, so even if it takes longer than a couple of weeks money will be freed up for me to buy additional hotspot data if I need it.
What's for Dinner
What you will need to make this recipe for Nachos is
Ground Beef
taco seasoning
Tortilla Chips
Liquid Cheese
Shredded Cheese
Sour Cream
Recipe for a homemade taco seasoning (though this time I used a packet)
1 Tbsp. Chili Powder
1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/4 tsp. Dried Oregano
1/2 tsp. Paprika
1 1/2 tsp. Ground Cumin
1 tsp. Sea Salt
1 tsp. Black Pepper
Brown your ground beef
Drain the ground beef and return it to the pan
Take 3/4 cups of water and pour it over the ground beef and add your taco seasoning and stir
Stir till thickened
Add Liquid Cheese
Take a plate full of Tortilla Chips
I normally get the On the Border Brand as I like them better, but the store I stopped at was out and I didn't want to go to another store
Then add the meat cheese mixture and the toppings
This is our go to easy meal
When I am busy and don't have a whole lot of time to cook this is one of our go to easy meals. It is one of my son's favorite meals also, so we have it 2 to 3 times a month. I don't know if that will be the easy go to meal when he flies the nest, but it is a family favorite. This will be one of the items we will be serving next month at his open house.
Yummyyyyyy looking to much tasty.