It really is amazing what people with influence can and will do for the benefit of others. That is one of the reasons I get so frustrated with government. They literally WASTE billions of dollars every year. If those same dollars were left in the hands of the people charitable acts and contributions would skyrocket. Most people are more than happy and willing to give: to their communities, their churches, their neighbors, etc. It truly is one of the things I'm most looking forward to being able to do more of when these cryptocurrencies really start booming again.
We're in a very unique place on SteemIt right now and I think the sky is the limit. Five years from now I truly believe this platform will have a strong presence in almost every country on the planet and the giving of its members will be felt in profound ways all over the map. These are the kind of stories that will help inspire it. Thanks, @acidyo, for a very well-written post. Steem On!