For each ArtVndngMchn fine art NFT pack launch, we believe in giving back to those in need.
Partnering with MERCYworldwide to make this service to the poor happen, ArtVndngMchn stands out as an art project with a heart for people. A portion of the funds raised (10%) in our Series 3 NFT pack launch will help fund MERCYworldwide in their role helping children to build independent living skills and enhance social communication skills at the Kyiv School for the Visually Impaired. Given recent international developments, these funds may also be diverted to meet basic emergency needs in Kyiv for the students and volunteers.
Below is just a taste of what MERCYworldwide has been doing in Kyiv for these students who are blind or visually impaired.
When Nick Bordieri, Executive Director of MERCYworldwide learned that ArtVndngMchn was once again committed to giving funds to one of its programs, Nick wrote the following email:
Thank you for your heart to help the children at the Kyiv School for the Visually Impaired, in Kyiv Ukraine. The needs are many, including basic needs.
We are also building a classroom to teach independent living skills. This will help these children live on their own once they graduate from the school.
MERCY's intention is to grow this partnership with the Kyiv School so that we can support these children to be self-sufficient through independent life skills training, starting early in their lives.... Thank you for all your help!! :)
ArtVndngMchn is honored to assist with MERCYworldwide's noble task and committed to donating 10% of profits from our ArtVndngMchn Series 3 NFT pack launch. Please support these incredible children who are blind while also collecting some incredible fine art in the process!
This is beautiful!