Please tell Debbie that I love her. And that she is in my prayers. Having lost a son, I understand the difficulties that we sometimes are given in this life. And yes, I did my share of questioning. But at the time of my son's passing, I was really only a kid myself. I was 19. It can be very hard dealing with the negative things that come our way in life, however when we have faith, we have a strength that is outside of this world. I wish I could do more, but unfortunately I have little also. I did however, just won my first contest on steemit and I know it's not much, but I'm going to put all that to you guys. I really hope it helps, and that more people in the community will back yous. All of my love to you and all of yours. And may our creator walk with yous through these trying times.
I just want to make sure.
And bless you for being a good friend and person.Do I send the money to @littlenewthings?
That's really sweet of you @johndoer123 ! Thank you so much for your prayers and I am sorry to hear of your loss. But as you say, our Creator is great and I know that all things happen for the very reason that we will triumph against our trials in the very end.
Yes. All donations send to my account with the memo "Cancer Fighter: For Debbie's Cause"
That way I will be able to filter it all from the memo and I will be able add up all of them for Debbie on the 8th day when this post matures.
Thank you again so much for your kindness.