Before you give your hard earned cash to charities think about how much of your cash makes it to the causes you support!
Before you give your hard earned cash to charities think about how much of your cash makes it to the causes you support!
The one charity I can't stand is the Japan Red Cross. They received $1 billion after the 2011 earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disasters and sat on it for a year. They then bought white goods for people who had been moved into temporary housing. The washing machines, etc., ended up in the pawn shops because people needed money.
On top of that, they run several child welfare institutions, several of which have children aged 0-3 years of age - experts say that keeping children in this age group in institutional care causes permanent damage to the child.
If you see another major disaster in Japan, donate to one of the smaller charities. HOPE International, Second Harvest Japan and AARJ were among my favourites.
the reason i never give to charity! you dont know who to trust. i spoke to one of save the children once and she said every pound you give only 10p goes to charity the rest is "administration". best thing to do is go give directly to who ever needs it.
There are more amazing charities out there than most would imagine. It doesn't take much digging to find out which ones should be avoided.