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RE: One Meal a Day - Charity action

in #charity7 years ago

''Let it be eternal''

not again
You keep me from writing the name of putri
In my heart …..
Let the rush of souls continue to flow
Unrelenting sincerity.

No more gina forbid
I dreamed of putri in my sleep.
Let my wishes travel
Reach the shadows of putri
At the edge of the twilight ... in the distance of the night.

I know
Never miss me
There's no name in the heart of putri
No dream in sleep putri
No love for me.

not again
You droop this teardrop
You ignore the tears that are in my heart
Let eternal endless waiting.

Unshakable love does not reach
In the muffled memories passed
I scratched the name of putri on the walls of my heart
In my eyes eye.

My heart continued to stare at the gina
Up to sunshine
A new issue in the heart that keeps on singing
Spice gina in the shadows
Enduring waiting...