Just few words about this non-profit project.
original purpose was to support few people I valued from 3rd world countries. However I tried to collaborate with few Africans as well as some guys from Bangladesh. And my impression was that culture-wise Venezuelans are the closest to european mindset. So I ended up focusing on building relationship with you guys.
It's important to underline, that my goal was to support few solid content creators who are passionate about topics related to technology, AI, blockchain etc. I've finally chosed to support 4 of you guys, out of ... well, many. All 4 proved over and over
Yours :)
Thanks friend @crypto.piotr, we are trying to do what is necessary to do a great job.
Uhm... who do you mean by "you guys"? I am not one of the guys. I agree they have more in.common with us. Happy day and thanks for explaining. 💕