i m not in that condition right now ! i saw a person dying in front of me while i was there for just a check up cold in hilly areas .. i know this is not the way to deal for donation ! i never thought i would ask for donation , but what happened here shook my soul !! i m not a charity collection type of person , but what happened here ,, made me laugh at myself ,, i had the money to help that person ,, i tried to help ,, but it was too late :( i don't want donation :( its just worst feeling .. its just something what i had didn't got used at time .. if it was just 60 mins before i would have reached there ..................... they were really poor people .. & the one person earning in their family is dead !!
somewhere i feel wtf i do with my 2100$ , should i fold it n throw into river ........................
this isn't a article .............
this was live experience !
M totally shattered !!
Can't Express my feelings right now .. sorry
I'm really sorry. but if u see my videos. you will see that they are really in need. more than anyone else