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RE: ✴️ DID SMARTPHONES "KILL" THE WATCH?? MY Nixon 51-30 Chrono Watch 😎

in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

Looks like HDR? really cool man! Nixon lol what a funny name for a watch, it denotes power but also a slight bit of corruption, but compared to Obama or Bush, Nixon was an angel. Ithe worst he did was have some guys break into a pyschiatrists office to get dirt on Dnaniel Elsberg who shouldn';t have been leaking info to the newspaper anyways, it caused us to loo9se the vietnam war which was a move to help communists, and the communist hollywood establishment is still in full power, they REALLLy do believe in socialism and they DO support the enemy! Socialism and communism are the same thinga nd they are and alwayss will be the enemy of America, and any one in America who IS communist or socialist is an internal enemy! Its like being an American but being against the constitutioin or beingh against the idea of elections etc etc, that's unamerican, its true, freedom does not extend to the freedom to dominate others, no, communism is just evil, through and through,m trheer are no exceptions. Socialism, no matter how you frame it, is just evil, and being an American Communist is like being a Satanist who goes to Church, trying to argue that God made Satan so you should have the right to perform satanic rituals during Christian Mass, that's the sort of thing we deal with in our college university system, so many communists. And they have the nereve to point yo China as if they are an exampel of communisms success, when they are NOT communist but simply authoritarian industrlaists, a strange system of cleptocracy where the powerful have outright control, in the USA ot would be a chinese system if lets say the top fortune 500 company owners were all Senators and Congressmen.In china you could just say it works for them but lets be honest the Chinese want change, and there is no way for a single party to foster the ideals that allow a people to become creative o their own. They need internet freedom and Steem is going to give it to them. Yoyoiw the chinese steem fork &ONO the Chine3se EOS social blockchain, cool watch