“Strong people don't put others down... They lift them up.”
Thank you for the contest @stackin
Congratulations to @yesiruolaide
“Strong people don't put others down... They lift them up.”
Thank you for the contest @stackin
Congratulations to @yesiruolaide
That's the quote of the day right there :)
So glad you are having these contests.
I am very new the crypto world and have almost no knowledge of how to find quotes and stuff. I did a google search and found a site and was following the PRICE OF STEEM for a couple of hours before posting my guess since I have no idea how it might move.
Apparently I have been following a different quote which the STEEM price was about $.30 lower. Only minutes after the contest did I realize it was a different one. It says CRYPTO-POLONIEX CALCULATED BY TRADING VIEW.
Anyway next time I will check thoroughly.
Well that was the excuse for not winning this time. But there is more..
I also want to humbly make a couple of suggestions:Hi @stackin
Thank you again for having these contests.
Thank you I really appreciate