"I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett
What up STACKERS! How have you been?
I know for the last few weeks, I've been less active on Steemit and can you blame me? Have you seen what they Cryptocurrency markets been doing? 🤷🏼♂️
For over a month, I've been busy playing and investing in the Cryptocurrency markets and that alone can take all your time... so much money is being made by everyone! 🤑
As I write this, BITCOIN just hit over $13,000+ which is freaking crazy!
There are so many people so excited right now and currently throughout Social media, almost all my posts are filled with Bitcoin talk from everyone the last few months.
So where am I going with this? You see, there are so many people excited and talking about Bitcoin. It's awesome to see but I'm seeing a huge correction coming down the road.
In 2017, Bitcoin went from $800+ to $13,000+ in 11 months. I want to just want to warn my fellow friends to be very cautious in the next few months because there will be a huge correction coming soon. 📊
Don't get me wrong, I'm very bullish on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in the next few years but I just know a healthy correction. 😀
So with that being said, it's time to celebrate the freedom what Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency have created for people throughout the years but for right now, it just been hyped to much.
Later on today, I have an awesome new ICO that I will introduce you guys to that I will be heavily investing in... So stay tuned later today. 🤑
Keep on STACKIN! 💞
P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs.

The growing looks too crazy now. Ever since the price was around 7000, they started to say correction is coming, Now is about time correction really should come.
Probably go to the moon lol
I thought it is already on the moon. I guess you're enjoying the ride.
On half december, this thing will be the biggest crash ever lol
I agree fully with you..
Healthy correction will coming soon..
I had old college roommates from 20 years ago hitting me up about bitcoin through social media LOL
That's nice job
Yes but still keep in mind the lightning fork this month. please read my article for dates.
today is INSANE! 2k+ growth!!!
Please read and support for my top cryptocurrency picks for December:
About an old online wallet that gives you daily BTC and 15 other cryptos:
Happy investing
Gonna leave this here for you bro. We're just getting started.
GO all in then :)
Pretty tempted to get more BTC actually, but I'll probably start stackin something cheaper!
We're about 4x overvalued now, could still go 2x from here.
You’re right 🙌🏼
You got a 10.94% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @stackin!
I’m with you. A correction is coming. The Btc train has been running hard!! Time to pull her back a bit and refuel. 😉
It still can go up to 15-16k this month but no one ever sells at the top :)
Crypto madness I tell ya. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it get there either. But that correction has got to be coming
But when???.....
Every time I say that it just goes up
but no one can affect this train and as we see it accelerates with great speed. And as analysts say in 2018, the rate will grow intensively
This is nuts
It's gettin' Bananas hahaha
I’m back!!!! And celebrating this all time high💜
I don't think that the correction will be so huge, it will go maybe a little down till about $9000 for a week and go to almost $20,000 in the beginning of 2018.
2018 is the cryptocurrency year and I think that bitcoin will hit $100,000 , I am very positive about bitcoin because look at the market cap, it's really huge more than $200 billion, do you know what is it ? and in the end of 2018 it will be a TRILLION dollar, it's even hard to say that. ☺
I'm absolutely agree with you. USD$20,000 is my personal target. maybe more... laughing all the way this coming Christmas... hohoho..!!
"..what a coin,... what a coin... yes sure its BTC...a bitcoin. Love it very much...!! "
Yes, I think the correction will be something like what you mentioned ... 9 maybe 10 k, then boom, off to the races we go
I like the Warren Buffett quote :)
Completely agree a correction is inevitable, the growth of BTC in 2017 is too enormous. As I had seen in one of your comments, the whales will know and will sell off to make their profit and that will start the panic. Million dollar question is what is the peak and what is the valley :) I tend to agree with some of the comments that we may see a peak at about 16-18k and then a fall to near 8k. Time will tell!!
I am interested to know if you think there will be any signs in how some of the other cryptocurrencys move that could indicate abnormality. For instance, the stabilization of Litecoin with even a slight decrease. ETH is sort of an outlier at this point thanks to cute fluffy cryptokitties :)
but what if not....if this the time we go mainstream.
I have read today that more money is lost waiting for the correction as the correction itself.
With futures coming next week it will be interesting as banksters can short BTC now without actually owning them.
The war on crypto is really beginning I guess...
The whales know how to play the game... they sell soon enough, shake the markets out and buy them on the corrections while most people panic. but who knows what can happen lol
I don't worry about corrections I just look at them as another buying opportunity. @stackin
bitcoin is now jumping @stackin
Why is a correction needed ? what if the grows only stops and its value becomes stable ? is that possible ? thank you :)
I wanted to buy btc i feel like im missing out but would you suggest i wait for the price correction or ride this wave
Only in cryptocurrency will trolls try to convince you that only raising $1.5M is a failure. ITS ONE POINT FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.
Bitcoin sure does is having one hell of a time for the big investor. DeepOnion a couple of months old project with a promising road map will give more returns for the investors as cryptocurency is the new craze and investor look for investment where the fundamental is excellent. @tuhin201
Thank you @stackin! What happens when we reach 21 million BC? There will be no more 'rewards' for the miners? When that occurs what then happens to the blockchain? Without the incentive to keep the chain going due to the 'rewards', wouldn't the chain just stop and the number of future transactions keep building up without anything happening?
miners also get transaction fees
all the coins won't be mined for about 120 years. so we have some time to figure that out.
thanks a lot my dear... i am alraedy working in bitcoin..especially thanks for dicuss about of bitcoin..😍😍😍😍
Why do people keep calling me "DEAR" LOL
any problems?? 😂😂😁😁😂
99 problems but a 'dear' ain't one
oh i see..
Wow I wish I could have mined a few bitcoins back in the day when the price was low. And then open my wallet today.
Yes best to be cautious now especially with options markets opening up.
I would repeat Charlie Lee’s advice and say lock in some gains.
It has come to a point where Bitcoin seemed to be a gamble. You are betting against time. Correction is bound to happen, but since we'll never predict when, we are put into uncertainty as whether to hold, sell or buy.
Market is very erratic, and hopefully, traders won't be hit too hard.
I agree fully with you......
Healthy correction will coming soon......
best of lake......
how do you think how much btc will fall?
hi @stackin I'll wait for that new ico youll be investing :)
that is insane about bitcoin beyound your thinking.
Bitcoin is smoking hot alongside some other cryptocurrencies....
Amidst the excitement that comes with the recent growth in bitcoin price, one needs to be extra careful when investing.
Hit me with promising ICOsThanks @stackin for this awesome crypto report.
Its such a stupenduos rise, it leapt in a speed that no one could ever have predicted even as way back as January 2017
Great reminder not to be greedy! Thanks
I have been thinking a lot about this quote lately
Yes, Bitcoin will go to $50,000 eventually, but I agree a correction is coming.
when the price was $10000 I sell all my bitcoin and is time now to ask myself why I do this
i believe u have taken a good decision.
Look at how slow is each transaction in bitcoin taken now to be processed.
if u compare this to bitcoin cash, ethereum or xmr, it is much slower and with higher transaction fees.
People, companies and banks are adopting it as a FOMO, fear of missing out. Most of the advertisements u see are about bitcoin and how it is growing. Sooner or later it will crash and other, better currencies, will take over. I will never invest from now in BTC.
U made some profit from selling at $10,000, invest them in other currencies or growing companies, u'll make a huge profit in the future.
freaking crazy just keep stackin !!!
there u go again.
I recently read an article by Perry Marshall who compares crypto to the 90s dotcom bubble, saying that crypto is currently experiencing its own bubble. It won't take long before it bursts and comes crashing down, and then will recover and grow in a more healthy and sustained way. The bubble is full of early adopters who stand to make as well as loose a lot. But afterwards you will start to see mainstream adoption and usage instead of just speculative trading that we see now. interesting times ahead!
I'm agree a correction is coming and I was even surprised that it has not happened yet, but seeing the market now I think we're not even close to being done!
I think it will come close to around $20,000 before a big correction happens.
I'm with you, this will be something healthy but we have to be very cautious so that greed does not pass us bill. Cheers man! keep on stackin
Bitcoin & Blockchain Can Never Be Stopped Unless the entire Internet is Completely Shut off... Which will Most Likely Never Happen... haha Gotta Love It!!
There must be a correction, but i think we wont see that anytime soon... Also this correction wont take us under 10K, or even 20K... I think BTC could rise to 30k or 40k and then have a huge pull back to 25K or so...
You know it's getting dangerous when random aunties start buying them..
By that time 1 Satoshi will be at par with 1 dollar...
The BitCoin has been going up very strong and fast they say that by 2020 it will be at 1 million dollars but I think it is somewhat exaggerated but it can be real if every day it increases in this way ^^
All markets correct...none head straight up.
BTC is good for a 20% pullback in an afternoon so prolonged could eliminate 50%-60%.
That said, I actually see a further run up before the pop you are mentioning. We might see some resistance at 13,500 or 14,000...but I foresee 17K before anything meaningful happens.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Exhilarating!
I also agree , it is freaky, 13.000 is too much
You are always share nice wonderful posts , I like what are sharing that's why i'm folloing you.
BITCOIN is "Hot Cake" now... Cheeers.
welp, hoping BTC goes to a million so I can quite my job. The dream is still alive...
With bitcoin futures and too many people flocking on to bitcoin, correction has to wait and not atleast until the crowd slows down a bit to find out the value !!!
Buy Litecoin NOOOOOW, it has got to follow soon surely..
Bitcoin should have been corrected at 8000$, but it grew further. The next dip/correction will have a HUGE impact