in #charlesfuchs7 years ago (edited)

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life" ~ Joel Osteen.

What's Up STACKERS! 

I'm going to start 2018 with a bang and do one of my famous "STACKIN Giveaways" to all my followers and to the people of Steemit! 🎉

Steem had one of the biggest days ever yesterday with the price of our Crypto exploding to over $6.00! So what is the best way to celebrate this, it's to give some out for free. 🤑

You guys know I'm here to make this place a fun and exciting place to be on while we read tons of interesting content all across the Steemit Platform! 👨🏼‍💻

"Charles, why do so much giveaways?" The main reason is because I love to give back to the people just like how the the dolphins and whales of the community did for me since I joined Steemit.

Everyday I look for interesting things to do as giveaway and I try my best to be fair as possible. For all those people  who already won in the past, you can still participate. 😋

Let's do something different, I would like you guys to recommend some "Minnows" who's you think are doing a great job on Steemit.

Are they providing value? Are they active in the community? Are they making Steemit fun? It can be anything, I'm not a person to don't judge people much 🤣

My plan is to pick 4 Steemians to Win 5 STEEM Each (Worth Over $100) who recommend some awesome "Minnows" for us to follow and I will announce the winners within 24 hours! 💰

As the comments start rolling in, I want most of you guys start following each other (only if you find them interesting lol) and start connecting with each other. 

My main goal has always been is to build a strong community of people that can unite to support each other, in other words... A group of like minded people who never make excuses for success, "STACKERS"! 😎

So there you have it, something fun to do while you can start "STACKIN" some free steem from your boy Charles Fuchs! 🙋🏼‍♂️

Good luck guys and I'm looking forward reading your comments. 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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Wise work, 'share and share again' will make Steemit great!

I'd like to nominate https://steemit.com/@goldendawne 'SAHWife, mom, grandma, gardener/herbs/homesteader, @qurator writer, homesteadersonline Moderator, Menieres Disease, Recipes, DIY'

She has just released a blog talking about all the giveaways and support she's been giving over the Christmas period.

Amazing work from a minnow!

The only thing you have to 'worry' about is that she will probably give the prize away to 5 more people! haha

Cheers man and good luck @goldendawne!

Any recommendation from you @abh12345 is always high on the list! Thanks for the recommendation!

Everyone ready this post should follow both of these Steamians! 💯

Thanks, appreciated! Let's see who else is suggested for the Stackin' Steemit Excellence awards :D

Oh c'mon... five people? Yeah... you're probably correct! Already have an idea brewing !

haha :D I knew you wouldn't disappoint!

Hey Charles, just to bad i cant vote for @stackin (he's awesome :D)

Oke, for real now:
I would like to nominate @taskmaster4450 for the best minnow. He/she creates awesome and consistent content which i like to read every time! He/she is a real community builder (like yourself), which means a lot the steemit platform! So if you arn't already following him/her, you should! :P

Love this bunch!I’m going to recommend 5 of my fellow minnows swimming alongside us in the Steemit sea- @bleedpoet (a master word weaver) @artwatch (a true artist who draws steemit bloggers among other wonderful things) @mamadini (a poet with her own magic filled podcast) @tarotbyfergus (Steemit’s own talented troubadour) @mother2chicks (homesteader with a heart of gold)

That a whole lots of fellow Steemians, Thanks for sharing all the awesome people here today @artedellavita! :)

Here are some great Minnows to support and follow!

@dearjyoce: poetry and photography, wife and mother, from the Philippines live in N. Ireland. @fates: writer and photographer, lives in South Africa @leggy23: crypto chic and photographer, lives in Canada @deadgrlsuppastar: photographer and mother lives in Florida

I think these two (that's a couple) will really rock in 2018 and will be a great enrichment for Steemit: @spenceryan and @paolajane.

@oliverschmid, thank you so much for this!

Thank YOU very much. That's very refreshing. Just keep it up, both of you. I wish you much success on Steemit!

Thanks for providing us with new and upcoming STEEMIANS! 🙌🏼

That was easy. These two Steemians are fun. Thanks goes to you, you're doing a lot of work right now. Great.

https://steemit.com/@doctorjohn is consistent and a great contributor with his posts and the beauty he ends them with.

https://steemit.com/@deanlogic is another great contributor and also I feel a very undervalued contributor here on Steemit.

I know you said one, but I always like to give these two more exposure on Steemit whenever I get a chance for all the great support they've shown me.

https://steemit.com/monogrande has just come back after a few months away from steemit. Would love to see him get more exposure as well as he was one of the first if not THE first comment I received on Steemit.

Boom! Tons of more good people to follow! Apreeeesh @gniksivart!

I love Joel Osteen so it's nice to see you are sharing his quote which I love.

Thanks for doing this @stackin, always giving back.

I would like to suggest @joordanzzz because yes he is my 15 year old son, but also because he is new to this community and he loves to inspire people and he likes to makes posts that inspire people.

He has very high dreams and believes and that is why he wants others to go after their dreams.

I have all of Joel Osteen books and been following him since the late 90's lol ... I don't believe everything he says but he is freaking awesome :)

That is awesome. I have been following him for the last 6 years.

I started following Joyce Meyer about 4 years ago and I think I like her even more than Joel Osteen. Listen to her or Joel Osteen every morning when I am making breakfast. It has really changed me as a person.

Also thanks for sharing your sons profile, we need lots of new young and up coming people here :)

I really want to commend you @stackin for this great job, hopefully I'd be able to give back to the steemit community this way. I would recommend @mitty-martz and @funmiakinpelu. They are both doing wonderful jobs as minnows and I enjoy almost all their posts. Keep steeming @stackin

Apppreshh! Awesome recommendations!

What happened to your Steemit Superstars group on Facebook? There doesnt seem to be any activity on it.

Hey Charles I would want to recommend https://steemit.com/@xeccedentesiast she is crazy talented and funny to boot and although she is relatively new she has responded to all the messages to her and gives out meaningful comments.

Those are the people we need more on Steemit! Thanks @maverickinvictus!

Woohoo STEEMM!!! Who to recommend, but my girl @choogirl!

We all love @choogirl already haha

Always love these thanks for putting another together stackin!

Minnow I would recommend...
@spenceryan - does some rather entertaining videos and shots and often tells how he did it gives you an idea of all the work and dedication that goes into the right picture.

Yes! Been following him since last week, great video content! :)

Holy moly !! I
Should try. I only own 4 pieces of silver and should get into this. Oh snap I’m a minnow so I can’t recommend anyone. LOL myself? Maybe that’s selfish😁

You have anyone in mind 😂

Okay okay, if I must I’d like to nominate my fellow minnow @ceattlestretch, I like his posts because he is a cannibis grower and I’m A fan of cannibis. I’m not a PH per say but I use CBD, THC and Hemp occasionally for medicinal purposes. No laughing, #truth. 😝I’m of the First Nation and appreciate those who understand the higher aspects of herbal growth from its organic content and keeping it raw and healthy. I’m all About less pesticide and true healing powers to help others. I feel this new blogger to Steemit reflects that in his posts. Not only to his local community, but goes so far as to produce the same intention on Steemit. Good luck @ceattlestretch ... share the proceeds when you win! 😬☺️😛

Thank you for your nomination and sharing your perspective on my posts! Makes me want to share more of how I grow my happy organic plants :) Just today, I gave away a couple jars of my last harvest to two of my favorite ladies that work at my local organic grocery store. One is in her 60's and the other is in her late 40's and both get a lot of medicinal value from cannabis. Made me really happy and this is a good possible instant karma reward nomination. Great contest!

Yay!! I think you should share it all, I can tell you do amazing work. I wish I lived closer so I could get tinctures and oil. I hope you win!! Lucky ladies who received your delicious grow. xx

They looked very well rested & happy today !


I also got her into SPL and she loves poker now! I think just a little boost like that will go a long way with her since I know she's grateful for the little things ( even though SBD and Steem aint so little anymore )First I just want to say absolutely boss what you've been doing with your contest. Definitely something I aim to do one day @stackin https://steemit.com/@josefinemk Is my nominee she's finally got her foot in the door and she's getting more and more active in the community. Her #sevendaybnw challenge pics are pretty unique and all shot herself.

Thanks @stackin for running this.

Another excellent article

I recommend @paolajane & @spenceryan they have been creating some fun and inspiring content for others thats taking steemit to new heights.

I will nominate my girlfriend @allesia, she has quality and original content, she is crazy and I love her :D

Wellll...thanks doll! How thoughtful of you :) @fat-elvis a good pick.

@stackin WoW !! You are such a great motivator. If only I could recommend you... but I don’t think you’re longer a minnow. Let’s get this going! and StackiM all the way lol. Best wishes 😁

Hey buddy... what´s up? doing well?

I guess I can´t vote up for myself but this being said I´d like to nominate @pipurilla. He´s doing a damn good job in my opionion.

anyways, there are many many other great steemians out there that would probably deserve it as well. I hope you gonna have a tuff decion to make - hahahah


Thanks for this giveaway! I'd love to nominate my partner @bryandivisions. He raps and writes positive and uplifting music to help others escape from pain and fear. He's been really active on Steemit lately with the Open Mics and talent contests and has been teaching me so much about Steemit and cryptocurrency!

Hey stackin, first of all, I would like to thank you for helping new users and giving them the opportunity for exposure. I hope you will help the new Steemian I'll introduce in a sec with some up-votes and advice.

So, the new user is @ruven94 he's a web developer, crypto investor and he has a lot of knowledge to share with the community. You should really read his introduceyourself post. It's more than great in my opinion.


What’s up @yairdd! Thanks boss, great description and will also take a look, you are in contention to win! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

@joalvarez is great on steemit. She represents positivity and happiness👍😁💥 also thanks for this giveaway @stackin

Totally agree with you @joalvarez is awesome :)

Amazing and inspirational @stackin.

I have a few of my family who are on steemit who put out content on a daily basis.

@slayerkm inspired me to get on steemit and is a blogger who is doing so well on the platform and has inspired a lot of people to join.

@shazza is my mother who daily blogs and is training for the London marathon this year and has actually decided to take a punt and vlog for the first time yesterday.

Finally @supertraff who is my youngest brother and a keen photographer who likes to do small giveaways and contests too.

Thanks boss 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

I nominate @wnfdiary, Those two have one o the best travel contest on this platform!

I will be recommending @sirknight @surpassinggoogle @davemccoy @funmiakinpelu and @spenceryan by the way great thing you're doing here! @stackin

You have been doing some awesome things here.

Wow that’s amazing of you @stackin, I nominate my boyfriend @spenceryan, his work is high quality and I watch him and he puts so much effort into everything he does 🙌🏽 I also would like to nominate another vlogger, his name is @kevinli - we’ve been supporting eachother since we both started our vlogging journey!

Thanks for this! Can’t believe someone nominated me haha

This is a wonderful post. It's great that you want to help others to start stackin their coins.

I would like to recommend @steemwhales @christybabe @idbrian @ungest @utomobong the are really doing great

How impressive that there are people like you who help other people to get on the platform and help us achieve better goals. Happy year friend many blessings for you

Can i recomment myself?? 😁 aside from myself, i recommend my very good friend @mhelows.. she helped me alot in here and in our work. Please follow her 😊

Woo...I dont know who to nominate actually other than myself cause I want that steem....hahaha

Hello @stackin, I would recommend @asaj, he joined the platform newly but the content he shares are really interesting. It is more like he brings knowledge to the blockchain. You can check out his profile and encourage him too. We need quality writers on the Blochain.

Hey @stackin ... I love this idea of yours a lot ... so people can actually get to know each other a little better and help the entire community getting closer and grow together.

I would nominate @spirits4you or @sabine-reichert. They are quite active - especially in the German Community and try to come up almost every day with some new stuff.

I personally think they are doing a very impressive job to keep and make their community a better place to be for all.

All the best,
Becky :)

All good choices :)

I nominate @lulafleur for really awesome content!

Your an awesome guy. Thanks for the upvotes/support dude!!

I'd like to nominate @bkdbkd.

You get a little bit of Brazil and a little bit of the Netherlands in every post.

Hi there

Joined few days ago I'm trying to figure out how to create my space if this planet, Stacking to success is a nice device, reading post like that empower me to sick here until I become a big fish like you ;), Just followed you @stackin, I think you are a good example of a steemian success storie.

Looking forward to read more of your posts, @tradewolf

wall really sir i dont have anything to say ut you inspire us .. you motivate us thanks for that and i can naver think to miss any post from you thanks

Nice post. Thanks for sharing, your ideas of first steem give away is highly commendable as it go a long way to enhance and stimulate steemit activities this 2018. I follow and upvote.

This is lovely. Makes me wonder where has Zane gone?

You gotta take a look at their profiles man. They be the best stackers!My nominations are @ghulammujtaba and @sharoonyasir

Thanks for droppin some names :-)

I recommend @omra-sky and @brisby. They are both are adding great value to the fiction part of Steemit which is the part that I love best.

Nice concept.

Remain bless and uplifted Am going to recommend @adejoke16, @surpassinggoogle @tojukaka @awolesigideon. I have been following these individuals and they have really motivated me in doing more in this community. Thanks for doing this @stackin. I pray for a successful 2018.

Wow! I'm totally honored, thank you for the acknowledgment. @niyinails

OMG! thank you for the nomination. I'm honoured! Kisses 😘😘😘😘

I nominate https://steemit.com/@lordnigel. He's been very supportive and has very interesting and fun post's

Haha omg this is a great one! :D alright lets do this.. I would recommend to check out @chiefmappster @rondonson and @verbal-d

They have great content on their accounts and they are deeply involved in the community especially since they are doing alot to push the hip-hop culture in this small little place called steemit haha (not so small anymore though). Anyways mad respect to them for still beeing around.

What a way to give back @stackin. I just followed everyone that made a comment on this post. Trying to have a relationship with as many people as possible as I am new to steemit. Still trying to creat a content. Your posts have really helped and encouraged me. I will nominate @patdozie who is just a few days old on steemit. Keep up the good work.

wow!!! This is generous of you @stackin How I wish I can nominate myself @aristokratos but since its about celebrating awesome people, I nominate @adejoke16, she's making awesome difference here, @fadiji09, i introduced steemit to him and he is really doing great.

A thousand thank you for this give away @stackin.. Real nice. I am nominating @georgeani and myself @nwamaka. I do like that @georgeani tries to address various life issues that's y nominated him

Thanks for the post I am looking forward to checking out what all of my fellow minnows are doing here. Great chance to meet people focused on the quality of their platform. I recommend ....
@davemccoy @nuridin @ossyjay @yumyumseth @charisma777

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