✴️ WANT TO BE POPULAR ON STEEMIT (SOCIAL MEDIA)? Why Are Most People Failing At This??

in #charlesfuchs8 years ago

Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes consistency and patience. ~ Charles Fuchs

I've been on Steemit for about 50 days and so far it's been an awesome experience. 

However, I've been seeing tons of posts on steemit recently by people complaining that they can't get others to read their blogs or comments. 

There are many ways to get people to notice you on this platform. 

One can write an epic blog, be very active by commenting and conversing with others, or can even do one of those "Selfies" the ladies posts ( you know what the ones I'm talking about mean 😉😂 ) to get massive amounts of attention.

I see tons of Steemians writing great content but there is one element that's missing... "YOU". People are just hiding behind a computer and just blogging. People want some kind of connection with the author.

This is called Social Media! Comn'... it's 2017 and we don't want to see a empty profile or even a "Dog" Profile Picture... you know what I'm saying? 🐶

Don't get me wrong, people can be successful blogging without doing this, but it's just going to make it harder for you to get started... unless you're a BOSS and write like William Shakespeare. 😂📚

The #1 thing one must master on Social Media is the "Art" of self promotion involving creating interesting content.

If you want to grow your Social Media presents, followers, or influence faster than ever before... one has to learn to promote themselves better than everyone else.

I call this the "FAST LANE METHOD" 🏎

There are too many people doing the same things online and posting the same uninteresting material, what makes you stand out from the crowd?

Doing a few post here and there on Social Media AKA Steemit ... hoping and wishing one day that you become an influence and building a following is just a pipe dream.

Start bustin out tons of value, inspiration, and interesting things that you do everyday... make people understand that you're not just a person hiding behind a computer but a real human being.

If people are not deleting you on a daily bases, you're doing shit wrong.

I'm always willing to lose 20% of all my subscribers due to my actions because all I know is that I'm attracting more interesting people down the line... not everyone will agree with your opinions. 

Start getting in people faces, bother the hell out of them and get all the attention you need to grow your network... Let's go make it happen peeps.


Keep on Motivating and Inspiring the people on STEEMIT 💕

Follow Yo Boy Here (2701+ "TEAM @STACKIN" Strong) 👑

YES, I UPVOTE Awesome Comments and ReSteems by the way 🎯

Feel Free to check me out on: Facebook (22,559+), Instagram (19,143+), Twitter (38,136+), and Snapchat (20,000+). 👨🏼‍💻

Join Our "STEEMIT SUPERSTARS" Facebook Group Here.

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That is solid advice, and something I don't practice enough. Keep stackin fella. ✊️

Always good to see you here @lyndon.sipe ... my fav words "keep on stackin" 😂😎