in #charlesfuchs7 years ago



For those people who are interested in EOS project, we had "All Kinds of Gains" Today... just like how the famous @hodgetwins would say. 🤣

I'm a huge believer in the EOS project and have been accumulating positions for the last few months. I'm very proud to say that EOS will be making tons of noise in the cryptocurrency markets in 2018. 📈

I plan to get into more detail why investing in EOS is important and that it will be one of the smartest moves an investor can make... but in the mean time, those 30% gains look good in the the last 24 hours. However guys, always buy in the red and dollar cost average down.

I'm a long term HODL of EOS and STEEM! To The Moon BABY! 🌝

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

~ Charles Fuchs

For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts, you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.

P.S. Also follow me on Instagram: www.Instagram.com/stackin.co

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot | IPFS | Google Play | IOS

Yea baby!!!

I am mostly invested in Steem but also have some eos, got it when it was $2 so pretty stoked about that! I believe in the future of both steem and eos for sure!

Hey you going to Steem Creators Conference in Vegas this weekend?


Boss Moves right there! I have a few business meetings this whole weekend and may show up for a couple activities on sat. I’ll see what I can do 😀

ok I can potentially get you free access if you want or don't already have access.

Here is a video made by the Modern Investor talking about EOS
Price prediction included !

Yeah man! He’s a good person to follow! 😀

I agree EOS has massive potential but I am unsure why the price has rocketed 30% in 24 hours.

To the moon is right :)

eos could be the new erra looks like btc, but future will define where it will be, best of luck.

From everything I'm hearing about EOS it sounds like the future. I need to research on how to buy it tho.

Make it simple, buy it on Binance 😀

I agree on EOS and today's move makes me slightly nauseous. I decided to load up last night but opted to sleep on it before pulling the trigger. Stupid sleep! #costly

No worries, just dollar cost average it every week. EOS might have a pullback from profit taking 😎

With an airdrop and a new dapp called Ono going beta in a couple days this was expected!
Glad I got me some EOS!

Tons of airdrops, @EOSDAC is also doing some community airdrops on April 15th :)

Thank you VERY much for another out of this world post! GREAT NEWS! It's spring time and the Cryptos are springing up! All the VERY best! Party Time! :) Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Success man! Maybe I should do some FA and get some also, meanwhile, congratulations on your 30%

I expect some profit taking right now but it’s all good 😎

I lile you check out WABi also. Its a good catch.

I think this is the time of investing into EOS. I've been hearing of it, but Ive not been serious about it. I will better swift into action now. Thanks @stackin for this wonderful reminder

As of right now, I’m thinking EOS will lead the way in mass adoption 😀

I hope eos go up to 10$ this week.

People are rushing into EOS as the launch approaches in June. Many holders for the long term which mean that the amount of available for buying are limited to those investors who will sell or the ongoing ICO.

Could it be because of ONO launching soon?

I love EOS
I am actually stacking it in an exchange wallet...Cool?
What's the connection between EOS and ONO
Please guide me on how to properly utilize this opportunity

On a side note, I thought “The subtle art of not giving a f*ck” was a great read.

Here is your measured move off this breakout to, you want to be long this if Crypto bounces for sure


I'll be grabbing some EOS as soon as funds permit. A little sad that I missed this pump but EOS was at $19 not all that long ago so I'm sure we'll see those highs again.

EOS is one crypto that everyone should be stackin!

I got a few divination questions on EOS today. I did a post on one.

For those who are too creeped out by clicking on links in the comment section, its a recent post with EOS in the title. Interesting blog, upvoted'n following.

Eos literally killed it today awesome profits :D

Yes, I'm up for that longterm HODL. When I saw EOS pass LTC on CMC I almost lost my ****. Still in ICO, this is amazing! c:

It looks like it will be a game changer!

I hope that it makes the price of steam go up to $100 that would kick a lot of butt

Not sure why it would 🤷🏼‍♂️

I wish I understood enough to do something. lol. I feel like the right brained side of D tube/SteemIT. I am a quick learner, I just need to find a way to make it click.. Then the rest will fall together. I hope to try and get to the convention in Vegas. Is there classing one could take? dumb question..???

keep on you..thanks for the info and advice @stackin

Good post, thanks for your information .

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

eos is going to get taken down by lamden, give it some time

Cool! Thank you for the information. I go into it, I just have to find out how (?) :)

too interesting this information, thanks for keeping us informed ...

People may have also been Trumped? (fooled by fake news :-) ) If you look at eosscan.io you will notice (or may not notice, hence the point of this post) that the site has not updated since 11 April 08:35 UTC. It has the notice at the bottom which reads:

The current price displayed may differ from the actual price. Because the latest data has not been updated. (cases : Ethereum RPC Server and etc)
(Last Updated At Apr 11 2018 08:35:40 UTC)

It therefore appears, at time of writing and for the past day or so, that period 297 which just finished several hours ago, was giving you 11,446.95 EOS per 1 eth. I'm thinking there may have been some dumb people who checked out the statistics for that period, but didn't notice the warning box at the bottom of the screen, so start buying hard out. Feasible?

I'm a HUUUUGE beleiver in Dan Larimer and everything he does! Love Steem & EOS 💪

I still need to register my EOS as I've still not done it yet lol and just noticed you have a Jordan Belfort book in your image next to a crypto exchange, oh how he would love that 🤣🤣haha

Eos is good one. I still hope for Vechain. Better days for cryptos are coming i hope! :)

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