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I am with you my friend. I am HODLing two of the three you mentioned.

Silicon Valley VCs look to hit on 1 out of 10 projects they invest in. They know 90% are going to die for a variety of reasons. This simply is how technology works.

I will not say 90% of the projects using crypto are garbage but they will fail. This is how business is. There are a variety of reasons for this: lack of knowledge, bigger competitor enters, technical challenges that cant be over come, mis-management, bad market timing, etc...

Too many believe any token will succeed...most will not.

That said, riding a wave like Wall Street's entry could earn one some nice money on a trade but if there is not development on that blockchain, take the profits.....

It all comes down to the development.


But if we enter true abundance then we won't really see any massive failure. Since the abundance will take care of most stuff already. Since humans are not logical creatures. I would say it more comes down to community and not development.

The coin won't matter in the future. Blocktrades easy coin trade has already shown that. Since humans are not logical creatures that will say they buy and sell cool stuff. That will say only a minority is out for quick profits and cash out. Majority of humans aren't traders or crazy about always cash out 100%. Majority just want to hold something cool and trade it as we see on Steemit.

Many people here are also very passionate about this Token revolution so I think more will succeed than humans think. Since it's cheaper to start up a cool product and that they know with Telegram get instant feedback on their projects. Which means that they have to perform much better or they will be called out by competitors or called out on their fakery.

You couldn’t of said it better... totally agree. Too many “newbs” gamblin there lives away these days without simple knowledge 😎

Gambling their lives away is a bit overkill lol. The abundance we have is already pretty insane that people have cash to buy expensive cars. People spend hundreds of dollars to buy digital weapons in games like Counter-Strike. The Era of gamblin their life away is over. Unless you are in Vegas XD

The market moves with Hypes and FUDs but a little by the potential of a coin. Once people have a good understanding, I hope we will have a well informed crypto-loving community around us.@stackin @phoneinf Those are the golden insights, for such newbies, that are covered in the article and your comments. When cryptocurrency is still in its budding state, the market is already choking with lot of baseless coins that are just there because people are not much aware right now.
