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RE: ✴️ DID SMARTPHONES "KILL" THE WATCH?? MY Nixon 51-30 Chrono Watch 😎

in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

Maybe another question would be, have smartwatches dinged the demand for "old school" watches?

I say that because I had a Samsung Gear S2. It was the "Dick Tracy" type where it had it's own internal sim and could be a phone by itself. I hadn't worn a "old style" watch :) for years.

Having said that, I sold it, and am looking at going back old school. Not going for the fancy watch, agree with you that the money is better spent on your business.

I have an old Timex watch that I might use in the interim. It was my father's watch. What I find interesting is that I have reverted to "old school" earlier in my life.

Example, I use to be one of those guys who spent his money on the three blade, four blade, etc. Gillette razors. It was spendy. So, I reverted back to a double-edge razor and have never been more satisfied.

Keep doing what you're doing Charles. Obviously, it's working for you!