National Socialist or International Socialism both sides, same coin, leads to same end, don't fall for the powers that shouldn't be lies. Only through Jesus Christ you can.

in #charlottesville8 years ago (edited)

Steemit, please read this article and the video that Shoebat did today.
Doesn't matter if it's International Socialist or National Socialist both lead to the same end. Martin Luther, was the first National Socialist. He inspired German gods via #Paganism in their own image to fight evil, created order out of chaos. Down the line influenced civil wars, including the world wars, and being used to start WWIII.

National Socialist Or ANTIFA, There Is No Good Or Better Side Because Both Ways End In Socialism And Death

The other part of the article is people did not take responsibility for returning back to Christianity and/or have children. Some have chosen apostasy.

Quotes from the article:
There are countless examples but the point is that no matter what the National Socialists say, no matter what facts they accurately quote, they are no different than the same ANTIFA they claim to oppose with the only difference being that the ANTIFA are international socialists and in how they present the same conclusions to their prospective audiences. They all hate the Catholic Church, they all hate truth, they all support homosexuality, they all are pagan, and they all are enemies of objective truth.
By the way, I have noticed there are many Christians who say they support the National Socialists. I can tell you from having watched the demonstration in real-time as well as the videos that came after I saw no Christian presence. Sure, Christians were there, but they did not make their presence known. I did see a lot of pagan imagery and pagan flags in the crowds, and calls for “racial solidarity” but no calls for solidary in any way connected as brothers in Christ. This just confirms that which we have been saying, which is that National Socialism its a pagan movement with pagan aims that seeks Christian support solely in order to advance its own cause. Just as Stalin lauded the “useful fools” who helped to advance the cause of Socialism in Russia before he disposed of them once he took power, so will the new socialists today use Christian “useful fools” to assume power and upon taking power will do to them what Stalin did in ages past.
History is simply repeating itself again, and if we do not pay attention now, we will be forced to re-live the horrors of the past. And as we have warned, in the end the Nazis will side with the Muslims and united to persecute the Church."

Don’t Get Too Comfortable: Multitudes Of American Conservatives Will Follow The Antichrist

Both political parties owned slaves. Today we are slaves under the system paying taxes. Being subjected to Satanic Globalist promoting their Homosexual, Paganism, Eugenics turning evil into good.

The only way to fight evil is through Jesus Christ/Yeshua/God. No other Paganism Nationalist organizations are going to tell you that are they while promoting their evil leading into damnation. Don't fall for their schemes. Mixing Nationalism with Christianity is heresy.

We're in the #EndTimes best to get right with God while you still can here is a link to how you can be saved, remember it's not once saved always saved, it's a working progress being accountable, responsible and abiding in God's law.


So you're dismissing the fact that Hitler either killed or deported any and all Leftists that lived in Nazi Germany?