Charlottesville..human not race.

in #charlottesville7 years ago (edited)

First and foremost human rights(Human rights not in terms of race of skin color but a basic tenant of free will of all sentients to be free of tyranny or exploitation of any technologically or metaphysically advanced civilization or individuals that would use such advantages to enslave ,manipulate , or coerce)

When I contemplate this weekend's violence and try to make sense of it all I come to several very inconvenient conclusions.(I use the word conclusion not as fact but as a placeholder for my opinions).

The first conclusion I draw is that regardless of race there is a large number of frustrated males ready to lash out at a society that has not fulfilled a promise. What promise? Why are we so angry? Because we arent getting respect (laid) Society has trained women to only respond to a certain archetype. An archetype that most men do not reflect. The 80/20 is definitely in effect. But now its getting aggregious. We are slipping into numbers more skewed than this and guys are going to lash out. The current state of affiairs is stripping men of all sense of worth. Im just going to go out on a limb and say that less guys are getting laid now than ever before. Honesty if most of the males fighting this past weekend were getting laid there woukdnt be as much anger. As much as 40% of this alt right stuff is pent up male aggression to how we are as males being discounted disrepected and discarded.

The elites so can so easily turn us against one another. Make us believe that skin color divides us. If only all of the protestors on both sides along with the police had focused this anger at those responsible for the broken promises. The promise of a decent life. A life With dignity. Is it the elites and their greed ir is that just a symptom of a higher more insidious alien intervention?

How can humanity overcone this hoodwinking? Can we become aware of this alien manipulation before we destoy ourselves ?

They will continue to steal the daughter's of man until there can be no daughters of man.


The only to overcome this is for political correctness to scraped, completely. Nobody has anymore respect for fellow human due to political correctness.

Thats what we must fight to restore. Without human dignity for even the lowest amongst us we can not secure dignity for anyone but those at the very top that are elites or aliens

Get rid of politicians, they are the ones creating this rubble. Stabbing everyone in the back through pc to fill their own pockets

We need to all come together for love. Hate cannot defeat hate.