“Push through the Pain. Giving Up Hurts More.”
Here's an animated card for Vegeta that I made out of the individual layers of the original digital drawing. This is a digital Illustration with some collage elements so I borrowed freely from established imagery for this one like the the Shenron dragon and the stencils at the end. The suit of clubs is going to follow an ink/water theme and should portray antiheroes. I'm also trying to make a unique transition at the end of each card. Hope you dig it.
I also encourage you to come by our Artbees Discord. with talent worth supporting methinks. There is a pretty sweet community re-emerging around #artbees
Category | #FanArt |
Medium | Photoshop |
Suit | Clubs |
Character | Vegeta |
Universe | Dragon Ball |
Style | Digital Illustration |
Original Artists | Akira Toriyama |
First Apperance | 1988 |
back to the drawing board,

Mirrored from Styx : https://www.nyx-labs.com/%f0%9f%83%9b-vegeta-jack-of-clubs-animated-card/
Forget about using the nerday tag, they prefer the post on their frontend made instead of manually curating the tag.
Might need to do some recoding for how to display the link without showing the % and like symbols, Vegeta Card something would suffice, for aesthetic reasons rather than functional reasons.
Better if you can include having the function to post it on a community directly instead of having it just posting on your blog and cross posting thereafter.
I don't really have anything against cross posting on hive, but these just look like clutter over your blog if you have to do it frequently.
The Vegeta card looks nice, would love the background for some nft card set.
I messed up with the link because I used a unicode symbol without thinking (copy pasting the title to become a permalink was a bad idea this time). It ain't the best for SEO xD
I'll try to include that function...perhaps I can get help from the developers of the original plugin again...hmmm
Overextending the request but if you can include having a user friendly way to customized the footer like adding personal footers along with the default link that would be great.
This is already possible.
I'll try to include a more elaborate footer next time so you see what I mean!
The card look spretty cool :) Also the animation looks vaguely familiar, were you doing cards like this previously?
Only vaguely related, emoji in urls is probably not a good idea ^_^;
Yes I actually started working on this like...4 years ago but never "brought it over the finish line" so I'm back to finish what I started. I also have some more ideas on how to take it further.
These cards actually have a fairly storied history now, they've even been exhibited in one of Vienna's major exhibitions.
In the future i'll generate the URL first and then add some Unicode to the title.
I'm glad you like it.
If the url is being generated from the title just sanitise it first?
Very well! I shall pay more heed.