Liquidation is a common thing that you must heard in high leveraged trading like bitmex or similar site A worst fear for every trader if using a leverage. while it's offer a high benefit for winning position also a high risk for the losing position.
On bitmex, There are 796.7 Million Long position and 188.3 million short position got liquidated within past 7 day.
you could look it by yourself from this website . Looking at this statistic is very unreal for me personally to see a big capital just vanish within 7 day of volatile week on cryptoworld.
Myself also trading on high leverage trading site on Deribit (similar with bitmex) to daytrading. i just know how i feel when i got my first liquidation 2 years ago as i write on my very first post on
I think also this post might be a sum up for how atleast beginning to trade in general.

Stress. Almost like a casino. But higher the risk, highest the gain.
Stress. Almost like a
Casino. But higher the
Risk, highest the gain.
- hijosdelhombre
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.