Pets as trojan horse with DEW chips

in #chatroom-links6 years ago (edited)

20 billion nanoparticles talk to the brain using electricity

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AI is the most dangerious thing that the planet is being exposed to. Joshua wipes out AI. A place in the Canaan was called ET TEl (extra terrest telecomunications)--wonder if we can kill AI. Talking about a biblical passage Joshua 10:1-2 Health Impact News

Graphene-based implant overcomes technical limitation to record brain activity at extremely low frequencies

MIT Just Created Living Plants That Glow Like A Lamp, And Could Grow Glowing Trees To Replace Streetlights

Revealed: The Australian companies manipulating our weather

Trojan horses and what we are exposed to via technology. Taking you out with out undue attention like Trojan horses. Cell phones is a trojan horse. A toy with noise that kills on many fronts, also programs you. The game the Matrix plays: Multi-trojans about you, ranging from cars, clothing, shoes, etc.

Blue beams or lights can direct energy weapons (DEW) on you and break you down. Toys that make noise, causing all heath failures. Television UHD AI nano TV is a DEW and take you out. Smart appliance can also take you out because AI can now target you with this technology.

Pets are a trojan horse with the chips that can hit you with a DEW--due to the chip inside pet. Pet options: Remove the chips from them to save both them and you.

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Build a faraday cage; as cell transmitters emit frequencies, they can then be redirected away from them and you.Frequencies & Protecting Your Body


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Links that were downloaded for the globe and if you cannot access then build yourself:

Methods for improving health in humans

s'mo luv tru's favorite: copper

Urban farm collection

Epsom Salt Poultice: For Abscesses, Sprains, Strains and Bruises

Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images.

Human brain project

Lipase is used in cheese making to increase the flavor as the cheese is ripening. The amount of lipase needed is determined by the type of cheese you are making.

RePUNT to my buddy down in the USA and our collaboration in finding the essence of the truth. We looked at MK-677, which has the potential to restore and rebuild of exposures to the different environmental damages.

Learn to be innovative, so if the time comes, and we need to be off the grid, we can then be able to make the things we need.

Comprehend the terminology, so when reviewing things, whether on a YT comment or some other places, look up things due to the ongoing disinformation in today's times.

It is all about keeping one away from things that can make a difference to improve health. Doctors are the worse source of data when it comes to alternative as well as allopathics.


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Living in phenomonal times--not glorious times. Taking you out in the times of frequencies and deactivating people with directed energy weapons (DEW), which can be bought at any electronic shops, and found in central processing units in cell phones, the street lights, and the satellites in sky. Sci-fi is sci-reality.

DEW are in the home and the new smart appliances are now attack weapons. Hopi prophecies stating a home can now kill a man--now that is a reality. Blue beam assault on NYC. The right to bear arms: Evervyone should be supplied to the gills with anti-frequency weaponary.

Anti-nano weaponary, anti-tech weaponary. Fifty caliber has a two-mile range, if you are good. However, this will never bring the technology down that is thirty miles high.

AI in cell phone frequency is controlling the millennials and studying the results, such as having an addiction to constant phone usage.

Israel was claiming that the contribution from US and was grateful to the defence of Israel. A small contingency is to have a better contingency plan, and is now signing with China because they have more money then the US. The Soviets had the research but they need the US to market. It is not about rights and freedoms but being utilized by lobbying groups that are taking what s not needed.

Paradise Lost # 51 ~ The Fire Embers are Programmable Swarming Nanobots !!!!

Weapon of Mass Relaxation:

US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science:

Dispersed space based laser weapon: or

BIGGEST SECRET - Sun Simulator - LIGHTS in SKY + 5g WiFi to LiFi + LED Bulbs + A.I. "SMART" Cities:



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How to Defend Against Nanotechnology and Other Contemporary Threats - Tony Pantalleresco: or

5G is iceberg tip:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) camouflages tactical strategies:

A flight of F/A-18 Super Hornets was able to successfully launch a swarm of one-hundred-three micro drones at a test site in China Lake, California:

Jian Liang Wall Street Insider's Absolute Mind Control Testimony 19 Dec 2018:

Show was interrupted Thursday (20 December), so Tony did another recording: Organic portals-- people who come into your space at the most inopportune time causing interrupton.

Dave and Tony recorded a copper chloride and zinc chloride:

A lot of mical professionals or alternative professionals are out there trying to cause issues, such as promoting silica in food supply as nutrients and pharnaceuticals. Silica assembles, causes cellular and genetic damage; the marketeers who sells this wthout any real knowledge or the nature of the gurus in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry.

Access sites that are informing and look at the site where you can get this data: , containing data on silica, then you decide. Everyone, sooner or later, will be accessed with nanopoisoning or afflicted with synthetic biology.

Blue beam accesses the eyes. REMEDY: Learn to defend by wearing lenses with either red, yellow and/or orange to block the blue beams. Nano dust (floaters) in eyes may let go due to lack of access of the blue frequencies.

AI programming people to take selfies, so it can analyze the effects and the facial recognition to see the end results of the program.

Cell phones are the weapons of mass destruction via ground wave. After 2G, health was compromised by a factor of four.

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community service channel, uploading Tony's podcasts.

nanopoisoning resources:

donate to support sign in for chatroom access to links: check schedule for date and time for when Tony's on live: 's Mainstream Nano Docs tony's resource directory by s'mo tony's catalog and inventory tony's database HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies collaborators: i) Suzanne Maher's ii) protocols for colon health

contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
questions: +1 51nine 97seven 535one
or +1 20eight 93five 009four

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