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RE: Cheap Games To Buy

in #cheapgames7 years ago

Cheap for me isn't the 12+ games... cheap for me is less than $10 (or in case of sale.. less than $5). most people who can regularly buy games at $10 can buy AAA games once in a while.

I can't buy at $10 regularly..... not before steemit.. and after steemit? not yet.

But there's Humble Bundle too, you can get from HB alone more games than you can ever play in a month even if you buy only $1 sets!!

If you missed some bundles, I sell my leftover Steam Games for SBD if anyone interested.


Well, people can see cheap in different ways. Some people think 30 dollars is cheap some think 20. Just some people opinions

yeah, I agree... I just wanted to state my own cheap. I wish I could see $30 as a cheap... Life will be easier. haha