Since he is blocked. This is Karen Vs Karen now,
If it's all fun and games, then why do they need to take my game pieces away???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Resteemed man ;)
I just noticed that you randomly flagged one of my posts.. What did I ever do to you? Seems kind of mean.
I guess it is your right to flag whoever you want. Sorry about whatever you are going through. I've gone through quite the emotional roller coaster myself with all of this.
I hope things get better for you.
Yeah you are very right. Emotions have nothing to do with it. It is a machine, or a game. Like the plastic pieces on a board. That is how we are told it works anyhow. Their words not mine! So yeah, no one should be offended. This is by design. It is like getting mad if you land on the go to jail space in monopoly. If these people can't handle the heat they need to get out of the kitchen. I welcome flags. I have come to rather enjoy them ( I am not being satirical ). If someone flags me it means I got under their skin. I effected them in some way. I live in their head, and not the other way around. With every flag Bernie gives me, I win, and win, and win. And it drives even more people to the posts I create. He spends money, time, and energy on me. And then I know I have done my job well :D
Flag away! And don't let anyone tell you that you can't!