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RE: Wow, you guys are still here? I moved to Costa Rica.

in #checkin8 months ago

If you remember when I used to do stuff around here and it hasn't left you hating me, say hello and I'll send you love as mush as my limited resource credits on an ancient, unused account will allow.

Just good to see you active and doing well in your new homeland. Remembering without any hate. The fork was emotionally hard for me and it took a prolonged break for me to want to return. Its nice to see old faces like yourself.

All the best!


I came back to see old faces, and I was not disappointed :) Y'all are OLLLDDDD! :P No hate, just appreciate. I'm way too tired these days for starting any more wars, and besides Ned is gone, who would I even try to tear down now? Shhhh, hush, don't tell me, I don't want to know! :)

Oh there are some prime candidates but most are letting bygones be bygones. 😎