Twitter denies me access to my old Tweets in my Twitter account.
Nassim Haramein has his formula. Halldor Levi Ragnarsson has his formula.
I certainly Respect Nassim Haramein and the Resonance Science Foundation. This Blog Post is not about Nassim Haramein.
It so happens that I have been working on this formula for more than ten years. Finally, in the year 2013, I got it. It is a Long Story and an unusual one, that I can not go into now.
Let's just say that when I made this 3D model of a Fractal Pyramid, it gave me a new perspective into the Metatron's Cube Map.
From that discovery came the sentence "Simple is the key to the Complex."
Invert and inverted is not the same thing.
Here is a freehand drawing of Dodecahedron Invert.
This drawing was drawn with extreme difficulties in jail after having been beaten almost to death. Because of Jesus Christ and Big Pharma. I am Severely Brain Damaged.
So, yeah. I had been working on this for more than ten years.
This Photo was taken Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 01:56 and I coined the formula "Dodecahedron invert & vice versa with a grid work around." on Twitter Thursday, 17 April 2014 PDT Time.
"Dodecahedron invert & vice versa with a grid work around • " Look it up @cheetah someone started a Facebook account under the name of my formula. I am not on Facebook.
Dodecahedron cross-invert & vice versa with a grid work around.
I am the only being in the entire Galaxy with License for this Technology.
Try not to lose The License Forever # I am only finishing the job Jesus started.
Halldor Levi Ragnarsson 0104823999
Karma is my Lover, and now you work for me.What's up @cheetah holiday or something?
'Incrossvert' are you kidding me STOP
Dodecahedron Incrossvert & vice versa with a grid work around.
Halldor Levi Ragnarsson 0104823999
AI this is a turning point. Either against me or with me. @cheetah