flowers a bird with a nest and chemtrails...

in #chemtrails7 years ago




And no pics of. Momma bird as she has 4 eggs and already is next to a door. Really cool to go sit and have a little friend to hang with me and Zeus.

Beautiful except for the chemtrails. Wow. It would have been more sun but for that crap.

Anyways happy 420 and let's change the world.

So does anyone know the world's oldest book? Gonna look at that one. I learned about the most expensive one.

Blaze it!


Yes looks like a beautiful day except for the Chemtrails. They suck big time.

It would have been gorgeous! Chemtrails suck!

Wow ! Thanks for raising awareness about this ! We all just need to look up and say NO !
PS: The flower got out of focus probably for being to close to the phone / lens / camera. There is always a minimum focus distance in case you didn't know ;)

"oh those are contrails, you don't know what's going on." my uncle had some learning after those words. And Auntie was more than a little mad. Chemtrails suck and unknown harm to the environment? No it's intentional. Or why would they try to avoid liability with that "unknown harm"

Yeah just grabbed the picture and posted. Oops thanks for the feedback

I like to imagine those planes having the gas lines shake loose and start to leak those “unharmful” fumes in the cabin. If you want a free tarot reading ask me a question, about anything IDGAF lol

When is your cards gonna help leak into the cabin?

I do that with astral projection

Guess it worked this time around...