It’s finally here! My latest gargantuan truth bomb “Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project” is an order of magnitude larger than all previous efforts and it is now up and running on Activist Post. Here is the link:
“The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project” is the culmination of 9 years of relentless research. It is the article that, once and for all, exposes the biggest scientific effort in history. I mean, it just blows their cover SKY HIGH. Now please buy the book.
To encapsulate, it appears that the New Manhattan Project has largely been brought to you by the Bush, Rockefeller, CIA, Nazi-terror axis. Surprise, surprise, right? I’ve got the goods on ALL OF THEM. The article is just BOMBSHELL after BOMBSHELL and nothing else. There’s almost too much Earth-shattering information in the article to even begin writing about here. But let’s try.
“The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project” exposes: General Electric, Dresser Industries, Siemens, Textron, The Carlyle Group, Hans Dolezalek, Donald Putt, Frank Wisner, Jr., Donald Kerr, John Brennan, Dr. T.F. Walkowicz, and many others. It just goes on and on and on. Get ready for a wild ride.